Lesson 2








Phonetic PINYIN


is the Chinese mandarin phonetic transcription system based on the Latin alphabet. Pinyin allows foreigners to learn how to correctly pronounce the sounds of the Chinese language. This transcription is taught also in Chinese schools with the same aim: correctly pronounce the national language.

A syllable in Chinese has the following structure:





Only in exceptional cases the syllable begins for vowel


The Latin letters function as the international phonetic alphabet.

As the sounds are not the same please see the following table:





6 simple vowels: a, o, e, i, u, ü



Chinese is a tonal language. It has 4 tones and one light tone. The sign of the tones is respectively 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ,which we will show after each syllable.

•  1º tone: is a high pitched tone that is always high and clear.

•  2º tone: is an ascending tone which goes from medium to high pitched.

•  3º tone: is a curved tone, that goes down and then up.

•  4º tone: is a descending tone that goes down.

•  5º tone: is a light tone

One word can have different meanings according to how it is said. Tone is therefore very important.

For example, the word ma, if we say it in the first tone is means 'mother' and if we say it in the second tone it means 'hemp', in the third 'horse' and in the fourth 'to insult'.

ma1 ma2 ma3 ma4 ma5


Introdudcing the Chinese characters on the computer

In Chinese, every syllable is a character. Once you have installed the software to introduce the Chinese characters (Windows XP already has it installed) you can write in Pinyin on the computer.

For exampl: if you write wo3 , you will see

which means I in Chinese.


Chinese Character of the Day

ren2 (person). Picture a peerson standing us with their legs open.