Lesson 22





How do you go to school?


1.- Transport

Listen to Duke and Ginger




Duke: How do you go to school Ginger?

Ginger: I go by school bus but when it’s raining I go by car. How do you go to school?

Duke: I go by train or tram.

Ginger: I don’t like trains.

Duke: You don’t like trains! I love trains! What’s your favourite transport?

Ginger: I love aeroplanes and helicopters! What’s your favourite transport?

Duke: I love trains and the underground


2.- Can you match the words with the pictures?

Car / Train / Helicopter / Bus / Tram / Underground / School bus / Aeroplane

(to see the answer click on the line; double click return)


3.- Practice


How do you go to school?

I go by ___________


4.- Find the following modes of transport




2. it is yellow
5. it is green and white
6. it is dark green


1. it is red
3. it is grey
4. it is red, blue and white

(to see the answer click on the table; double click return)



5.- How often do you…?







6.- Put the following words into order

(to see the answer click on the text; double click return)


7.- Duke and Ginger - how often do you……?

Listen and Read




Ginger: How often do you go by aeroplane to school?

Duke: I never go by aeroplane to school!

Ginger: How often do you go by bus to school?

Duke: I often go by bus. How often do you go by car to school?

Ginger: I sometimes go by car.

Duke: How often do you go by school bus?

Ginger: I usually go by school bus.


8.- Answer the following questions

(to see the answer click on the text; double click return)


9.- Practice


How often do you go to school by bus?

I ________ go to school by bus.

How often do you to school by car?

I ________ go to school by car.