Lesson 5







1.- Match the questions with the answers

I’m fine, thanks. / My name’s Sarah. / I’m eleven years old.



(to see the answer click on the text; double click return)


2.- Now write about you.

1. What’s your name? My name’s ______________

2. How old are you?

3. How are you?


3.- Parts of the body

(to see the answer click on the line; double click return)



4.- Write the correct colour

(to see the answer click on the image; double click return)



5.- Put the following days of the week in order.



(to see the answer click on the text; double click return)


6.- Write the numbers in the correct order

(to see the answer click on the text; double click return)


7.- Write about Duke and Ginger

(to see the answer click on the text; double click return)







8.- Write about you

(to see the answer click on the text; double click return)