Lesson 2










The relationship that we have with others is two-way: we influence other people's thoughts, attitudes, desires.... and at the same time we are influenced by them. But this constant communicative interchange is not always positive; its effects can harm us in one or various fields of our life.

The first step to improve our social relationships is to analyze the type of situations that are difficult to for us to face. The following questions correspond to "The multidimensional range of social expression" (Caballo, 1987) , and they invite us to reflect on the quality of our social relationships. To mark the answers, use the following scale:

0: Never or rarely

1: Rarely

2: Sometimes

3: Sometimes or often

4: Always or very often



You should answer them using the previous scale.

1. When people that I hardly know praise me, I try to minimize the situation, taking importance away from the fact that I am being praised.

2. When a sales person has taken his time to show me a product, which I don't really like, I am incapable of saying no.

3. When people pressure me to do things for them, it is difficult for me to say no.

4. I avoid asking people I don't know questions.

5. I am incapable of refusing when my partner asks me to do something.

6. If a friend interrupts me when I am in the middle of an important conversation, I ask her to wait until I have finished.

7. When my boss annoys me, I am capable of telling him.

8. If a friend who recently borrowed 10 euros me you seems to have forgotten, I remind him?

9. I make my partner feel good about himself by praising him.

10. I get out of the way to avoid problems with other people.

11. It is difficult for me to show my feelings towards other people.

12. If two people in the cinema or in a conference are talking loudly, I ask them to be quiet.

13. When an attractive member of the opposite sex asks me for something, I am incapable of saying "no".

14. When I am annoyed with someone, I hide it.

15. I reserve my opinions.

16. I am always careful not to hurt other people's feelings. .

17. When a person that I have not met attracts me, I try to actively meet that person.

18. I find public speaking difficult.

19. I am incapable of disagreeing with my partner.

20. I avoid asking questions in class or at work because I am scared or shy.