Lesson 29





Let's look at some examples of assertive behaviour:

“We have bought a suit in a clothes shop which has a dressmaking service, which is charged apart; when we try the suit on, we tell the shop assistant what we would like done. When we go to pick the suit up, the shop assistant has already wrapped the suit up and it doesn't seem like she is going to give us the option of trying it on, therefore we establish the following dialogue:

•  CLIENT: Excuse me, before buying this suit, I would like to try it on.

•  SHOP ASSISTANT: I don't think it's necessary, our dress maker doesn't usually make any mistakes.

•  CLIENT: I don't doubt your dress maker, but I would be happier if I could try it on.

(After trying the suit on, the client realizes that one of the things he wanted repaired has not been repaired as agreed):

•  CLIENT: Look, the length of the trousers is not how I wanted them. Could you possibly re-take my measurements to repair them?

•  SHOP ASSISTANT:Are you sure? The length is exactly how you wanted it the last time. I told you our dress maker doesn't make mistakes.

•  CLIENT: I don't think the length is what we agreed previously. Of course, there may have been a mistake, although I am quite sure. Anyway, can you re-take my measurements? I want the suit to look perfect on me. Hasn't this ever happened to you? I am sure you feel satisfied when your cleints are happy with what they buy.

•  SHOP ASSISTANT: Ok, I'll re-take your measurements. However, the dressmaker won't be coming until the end of the week. Also, I will have to re-charge you for the repairs.

•  CLIENT: I don't mind waiting, as I mentioned before the most important thing for me is that the suit looks good. However, I am not very happy with the fact that I am going to have to pay again. I am not asking for a different repair, just to fix the original one.

•  SHOP ASSISTANT: Of course, with clients like you! Listen, these are the rules. The shop is full and I need to attend to other clients.

•  CLIENT: I'm really sorry that we have got to this uncomfortable situation. I think there is an easy solution to this. You take my measurements, and I will talk to the manager and try solve the payment issue. That way, you can continue with your job.

•  SHOP ASSISTANT: Ok, sorry, I'm a bit nervous with so much work. Let me take your measurements and this afternoon I'll speak to my boss about the question of the money.

If the client had not insisted in his interests, he would probably have walked out of the shop without trying the suit on. He does not blame the shop assistant and he does not offend her.

Now lets see a situation when an employee (Luis), who works in the kitchen of a restaurant, wants to criticize his colleague (Pedro):

•  LUIS: Pedro, I'd like to speak to you for a moment.

•  PEDRO: Ok, but quickly as there's lot of work to be done!

•  LUIS: That is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about; you see for a while now I've been thinking that we should try and organize ourselves better, so that the night shift, which is my shift, is not so full of work.

•  PEDRO: What are you saying, that you work more than me?

•  LUIS: Of course not! I haven't asked you to work more. I want to tell you about the cleaning of the kitchen. You see, lately I have noticed that when we come into do the night shift, the kitchen is not entirely clean, for example, there's rubbish left around, you don't throw away the bottles or tins and they take up a lot of space, therefore, we have to throw them away; and often some pots and pans aren't clean and we have to clean them before we start cooking, and this slows us down a lot.

•  PEDRO: Excuse me but I do my job the best I can; besides, as you already know you have to re-clean everything at night, therefore if something is left then there shouldn't be a problem.

•  LUIS: Sorry, Pedro, I'm sure you do your job as well as you can. I am only telling you about our needs. We need you to try and throw all the rubish away, leave all of the pots and pans clean, to be able to work better. What you said about having to clean everything again, I just want to remind you about what the owner of the restaurant asked us - to leave the kitchen neat and tidy between the lunch and dinner shift.

•  PEDRO: Oh my god, I've had enough of this, now your lecturing me!

•  LUIS: (Without raising his tone of voice) Pedro, I think you are misunderstanding me; I am not lecturing you; I am talking with a work colleague about something that makes me uncomfortable and all I want to do is find a solution. I am talking to you because I think that you are the type of person that I can talk to.

•  PEDRO: It's just that the helper that helps out at lunch time is really slow, and often he finishes his shift without having cleaned everything. I am not prepared to stay longer and do other people's work.

•  LUIS: Have you tried speaking to him?

•  PEDRO: No, not really.

•  LUIS: You could tell him; tell him that he can't go until the kitchen has been tidied up and cleaned and the rubbish thrown away; that way he'll probably work a little faster.

•  PEDRO: Ok, I'll try .

•  LUIS: I would really appreciate it. You'll see how the boy will start finishing on time; you're not really asking him to make a big change. For us it could be great. Thanks very much, and as I thought I can always talk to you.

Luis has shown Pedro what he wants without any personal references. He emphasizes the negative consequences that are felt by the night shift when the day shift don't do their job properly. He didn't loose emotional control when Pedro started to get angry; he concentrated on the problem at hand. What is more important, he found a possible solution.