Lesson 10º








Person that acts

The leader is above all a person that acts quickly.

He doesn’t only define the company’s strategy, but once he has fixed some objectives he will fight bravely until he achieves them.

A vision, an objective, etc are only valuable if one is willing to fight for them.

A person that limits themselves to fixing some goals but that doesn’t carry them out will not be a good leader.

The value of his contribution would be limited. His function should be more of an adviser, but never that of a leader.

The leader wants palpable results and he is going to put himself at the head of the group to achieve them. Besides, he doesn’t want results in the long term, he wants them now (time is of the essence).

For this reason, it is very useful not to fix long term objectives but establish smaller goals to be achieved in the short term, that mark the way to the final objective.

These short term goals allow the leader to transmit a message of urgency to the organization (the future is very far away, but the short term is immediate, there’s no time to loose).

The philosophy of the leader is that being busy is not good enough (dedicating time to work, spending many hours in the office) it’s the results that are important.

The leader will reward his subordinates for the results they have reached and not simple for the time they have dedicated.

However, he also knows how to value the employee that insists in trying even though the employee doesn’t achieve results.

Active people are people that know how to make decision as soon as they are faced with problems, reacting this way ensures that things are not delayed.

The leader thinks in the long term but works in the short term: if a problem arises today, it has to be taken care of today and not in a few days.

If he makes a decision today, he will put it in to practise today and will ask for the results tomorrow.

This way of acting doesn’t mean that the leader acts crazily, on the contrary he reflects on the problems, giving time to consult and analyse possible alternatives, he will consult whoever he has to consult. All of this with the conviction that time is short.

The time set aside for reflecting and analysing can not be made longer, not even by a second than is really necessary.

The majority of times, it is preferable to adopt a sufficiently good solution today rather than a better decision in a month’s time.

The leader does not accept NO for an answer; he will look for alternative ways and he will surround himself with people that work in the same way.

The leader is a courageous person; he doesn’t get scared when faced with obstacles.

The leader will demand his team work in a similar way.

The leader prefers that his collaborators make decision, although they may be wrong.

He surrounds himself with people that act, people who want to do things.

In the company, he creates a culture that favours action.