Lesson 15º









Everybody leads in a different way; there aren’t two styles the same.

The leader can not try to copy someone else’s behaviour, even if they are successful. Every leader is different. Every leader has his own particular style.

However, reading books on leadership is always useful, as they show you how famous world leaders govern.

You can get new ideas, new focuses, and you can discover methods that you can apply to your own company. It is not a good idea to try and find in these books a perfect managing model.

It is not useful to adjust to stereotypes, trying to apply the latest “management” fashion of a renowned “guru”. What is interesting is knowing about them and seeing how they work day to day, without trying to find in these models the solution to all of your problems.

The reality of every organization is very particular, it is always changing, and the leader needs to know how to improvise, create his own management model. The leader has to act with flexibility and needs to know when an opportunity arises. Every situation can require a different focus.

The management model that the leader applies will extend throughout the company; it should be absorbed by the different hierarchical levels.

When the helpers see how it works they will try and imitate the leader.

When the leader comes to establishing his management model, he will have to face the company’s tradition (“this is done like this because it has always been done this way”).

The leader has to be prepared to attack the organization’s routine, questioning it and changing the methods that are inefficient, eliminating the traditions that slow down the progress.

This means that the leader will have to make decisions that can “annoy” certain people.

It is essential to bear in mind that you can not please everyone all the time. The leader that doesn’t’ want to annoy anyone sometimes doesn’t take the necessary measures for the company, so that as a result he will end up annoying everyone.

A leader should be capable of questioning things when it is necessary, even his boss (always using discipline and respect). The leader should be capable of showing his discrepancy (the boss will appreciate it).