Lesson 2º








Are you born a leader or do you become one?

This is a question that always comes up when people talk about leadership.

The general opinion is that there are people who are born leaders and there are others that become leaders thanks to their professional development.

The innate skills favour the development of the leader, but sometimes a person acquires training and accumulates experience.

There are certain leadership techniques like making decisions, managing teams, motivating, communicating, etc. that a leader has to know and has to be able to dominate.

It is important to go to seminars on leadership, and also read books on the matter.

It is also a good idea to get feed-back from the group to see what you are doing well and where you can improve.

Assuming responsibilities, making decisions, solving problems, facing up to difficult situations, will help you to become an authentic leader.

For this reason, it is not good “to overprotect” people in their personal and professional development. It is important that from a young age a person gets to know the value of effort and that they have to face up to certain “difficulties”. In short, a person needs to learn how to cope with life.

You need to favour employees that enjoy competition and that get used to facing problems. You need to start getting them prepared so that in the future they are capable of controlling the organization.

Preparation and experience are aspects that you have to pay attention to when training someone and it is convenience to start doing them from youth, in order to develop one’s leadership capacities.

Another essential aspect of being a good leader is knowing in depth the area in which you move.

The leader of a company can play a secondary role at a tennis club (for example) because his knowledge of this sport, environment is limited.

However, a leader is not necessarily a specialist, but he does need to have solid and fundamental training, which allows him to have clear ideas and a global knowledge of the activity he is developing (business, sport, culture, etc).

Leadership is based on a spontaneous team acknowledgement, which demands the leader to make the grade and be prepared for all circumstances. If the group detects that the leader lacks a few significant skills they will end up rejecting him.

The subordinates understand that the leader doesn’t have to know absolutely every single detail about every subject (we have experts for this) but they do expect him to have a sufficiently solid knowledge.