Lesson 11º








Organizational principles. Reenginering. Success factors

The consultant McKinsey has studied the fundamental organizational factors that differentiate successful companies from the others. These principles also compare the quality of the service offered with client satisfaction. This important study identifies the following organizational principles:

1.- Identify strategic objectives. Successful companies know their long term objectives. A long term vision is part of the secret of many successful companies.

2.- Analyze the competitve advantage. Successful companies know their competitve advantage and they take advantage of it.

3.- Eliminate activities. Simplifying the processes is fundamental to reduce costs and to give a quicker service.

4. Reduce departments Staff. Flat structures reduce costs and provide a quicker response to the market.

5.- Maximize the contact with clients and suppliers. Increase the contact with clients. Sometimes a client can go from being in contact with many different people to being in contact wtih an investment adviser. The fact that the client has been in contact with many different people can help with the clients satisfaction.

6.- Multi-disciplinary teams. The development of complex activities can demand varioius specialists. The response to requirements can be quicker if the specialists organize themselves into work teams.

7.- Profitability objectives for every process. Companies are changing their hierachy - rom departments to a central team. It is necessary to fix profitability objectives for every process. For example, from the moment a client asks for a mortgage until he is given one or is denied one, we have a process. Therefore, it's not just about the product but about the product's delivery process.

8.- Give employees authority, information and means. The employees that are in contact with clients need to have authority, information and means to be able to attend them. For example, if the employee that attends a client has authority, information and means to award certain loans, the client will not have to wait for authorization from a higher level.

9.- Design the renumeration/evaluation systems and training towards customer satisfaction. The employees should be orientated towards client satisfaction.