Lesson 17º








Quality Expectations

Every consumer will have certain expectations relating to the quality of the service. Therefore they will expect certain parametres of quality, some certain characteristics. The quality expectations are formed according to three fundamental elements:

• Personal necessities. The users own necessities determine their quality expectations.

• Information received. The information that we have about a company comes from numerous sources, friends, sales people, means of communication, the company and others. This information that we have received from numerous sources condition the quality that we hope to receive.

• Experience with the service. For many habitual customers, it is their own previous experience of the service which determines their quality expectations.

The surveys show a series of fundamental parametres that the clients consider important in relation with the quality of a banks service.

• Accesibility. Speed.

• How quick they are to respond. Professionalism. Knowledge.

• Communication. Politeness. Respect and kindness.

• Credibility.

• Absence of mistakes.

• Punctuality when sending out correspondence.

• Privacy.

• How quickly they answer the phone.

• Information about services.

• Security. Perception of lack of risks.

• Interior and exterior aspect of the office.

• Cash machines.