Lesson 27º








Dimensions of Relational Marketing

Gronroos, the famous specialist in service marketing, has established the following dimensions of relational marketing

1. Focus on the consumer in the long term.

2. Make and maintain promises to the consumers.

3. Involve the organization with the marketing activities.

4. Promote interactivity in the marketing processes.

5. Develop a consumer service culture.

6. Obtain and use consumer information.

Once the relational marketing plan has been put into practice, it is necessary to measure the clients’ satisfaction. In order to know how satisfied clients are, we can follow various procedures:

1. The first step is to establish a procedure to deal with complaints and suggestions.

2. Another important system to obtain informational systematically is to get clients to carry out questionnaires. In the questionnaires the clients can measure certain aspects of the service. For example, the cleanliness of the restaurant. It is also interesting to ask the consumer to indicate how the company can improve to increase the quality of the services. Later you can develop a process to analyze problems.

3. Secret buyer. A specialist carries out a secret purchase and values the different aspects of the service he received.

4. Lost clients. Gather and analyze information about lost clients. Find out why the clients left.

5. Study of critical incidents. What phases are fundamental and which ones suggest problems?

6. Investigate the consumer’s demands. Investigate the services that the consumers desire.

7. Investigate future expectations. Try to anticipate the consumer’s future demands. Quickly detecting tendencies that are arising can give us a certain competitive advantage.