Lesson 32º








Loyalty Instruments

Customer Services You will find Customer Services within the wide variety of instruments or systems to improve and retain client loyalty. The fundamental aims of these centres are:

a) Improve the amount of attention paid to clients and improve the service offered. Customer services should investiage its consumers and propse improvements to the service and in the design process.

b) Detect deficiencies in the services. Obtain information on mistakes, problems and deficiencies in the services.

c) Economic Complaints. For banks it is extremely important to deal with complaints about economic issues. The banks need to give an organized and professional feedback to these complaints. It is necessary to outline certain procedures and the various levels of attention.

d) Treating peoples concerns about the services. There are many reasons as to why people might find the service unsatisfactory. Therefore, it is necessary to find out why.

e) Suggestions. The service should be set up as a valuable source of information to improve the service. It is necessary to bear in mind that many consumers instead of complaining simply shop with the competition.