Lesson 21 



What we are going to do now is mix toasted earth (941) with a amount of black. We will then dilute this mixture with some water, so that it is fairly diluted (as we did before with the uniform). Using a brush, brush the areas where there is a clear separation in the different clothes.

Using this technique we are adding colour to:

- The area between the uniform and the coat.

- The area between the belt and the uniform.

- The area between the boots and the uniform.

- The area between the army jacket and the trousers.

- The area between the collar of the coat and the coat.

By doing this we are adding depth and volume to the figure.



Let the figure dry and then look at the figure carefully to see if there is any lights or shadows that do not look right, if so we can then fix them. When we have done this, we have finished the figure.

Now all that is left to do is the weapon (this weapon is Russian although the soldier is German), the stand, and the sign which explains all about our figure.
