Lesson 27 ª







THE SCALES (1) 1/48 1/35

There are different figures with different scales: 1/72, 1/76, 1/48, 1/35,1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 200 mm.

Of these scales the most used are:

- The 1/72 and 1/76 (the est ones) for dioramas.

- The 1/48 for slightly ger dioramas (fundamentaly for aeroplanes or tanks).

- The 1/35 for more universal dioramas to form a collection of figures. This is the scale where we can find the greatest quantity of figures.

. The 1/16 (scale of our figure) to do figures with a stand.

- The rest of the scales are for busts or very large figures.

I believe the ideal scales to paint are 1/35 (of 54 mm.) which are perfectly detailed and the scale 1/16 for its ideal size to form a collection.

Have a look on the internet where you can find virtual shops where you can buy all sorts of figures, this will give you an idea of the world which you are starting to see.

Here you have images of figures in the scale 1/48. The definition is not as good as the figure that we have been painting. Ideal for aeroplane dioramas in the scale 1/48.




What you see in these photos are figures in the scale of 1/35. The definition is better than the scale 1/48, but they don't have the same definition as the 1/16. These figures are ideal for dioramas.


