Lesson 29 




In general, the process we have to follow to paint a figure is the following:




The first step consists of spraying a layer of light grey or white onto the whole figure with a spray gun or spray. Once dry, paint the figure with its corresponding colours (in a previous lesson there is a summary with the colours and which parts they correspond to).

Paint the whole figure except the details, which will be painted at the end (buckles, etc). Wait for it to dry.

To make the lights you need to lighten the paint with white and with a flat brush go over the area in a subtil way, above all in the areas that stand out.

To make the shadows, darken the base paint with black. Dilute this mixture with water and with a brush, brush into all of the gaps in the figure. This way we are painting the shadows which are produced on any figure, even on ourselves, because of the effect of the light.

Go back and dry brush again to cover the shadows that have protruded from the gaps.

Finally, mix dark brown paint (for example chocolate brown) with black and dilute the mixture with water. Using this mixture we paint the areas which separate each item of clothing.

This way we give life to our figure. We give the flat colours volume and personality at the same time.
