Lesson 32 




Painting figures, in general is a hobby which we can devote a lot of time to and enjoy, and with time create a collection of figures and models. But in order to enjoy our hobby we need to take certain precautions.

You have to follow these precautions.

- Always work in open spaces with good ventilation. Use substances that don't contain toxic chemicals. Paints, the powder that comes out of the resin when it is treated, the solvents like alcohol we use to disolve the paints to use them with the spray gun, the turpentine which we use to disolve the oil paints, or even the drops of paint that are in the air whilst we spray an aeroplane or tank. If we breath any of these things, it can be very dangerous for our health.

To avoid this you need to work in open areas with good ventilation. When you are painting with the spray gun o using resin, put a mask over your face, so that when we breathe we don't swallow any of the substances.

- Avoid smoking or lighting anything near to where we are working. The substances that we are using are flamable and dangerous.

- Be careful when using the cutter or pliers. As you can easily get paintful and deep cuts.

- Cianocrilato glue is particularly dangerous, because it dries so quickly and it is difficult to get it off your skin. Be careful and don't touch your eyes when you are glueing something.

- Don't lick the brushes.

- Wash your hands after working.

- Cover your eyes with glasses.

In general you need to use, as always in life, your common sense and avoid the dangers that every activity has, including making models. I don't want to scare you and take away your desire to continue, all I want to do is tell you what you need to do so that you can fully enjoy your hobby.