starting to paint the figure we should carry out two steps: clean
the figure and add primer.
a tooth brush, soap and warm water and use these materials to clean
the figure, to get rid of any reamining putty, dust and resin that
could be hiding in the creases. Then allow the figure to dry and go
onto the next step: Priming.
Now with a white spray or light grey spray (or with a spray gun if
you have one) paint a coat of paint over the whole figure. Let it
dry and then spray another coat.
primer is used so that the paint that we previously painted on to
the figure with the brushes has a better bond and so that the tones
have a matt look to them (the uniform tones are matt. If we want to
make some areas shiny then we can add a shiny varnish. )
is what the figure looks like after being cleaned and primed with
a single light grey tone. Now let the figure dry during the night.