Lesson 15º








The Advertising Message

Creating an advertising message forms part of the personality and positioning of the product, remember we have to think of our fixed objectives and target audience.

The advertising message concentrates on various key points:

Key benefit for the consumer. Why should the consumer buy this product.

Support. A reason to believe in this benefit.

The style. The type of communication that we want for our publicity.

Therefore, we create the message, bearing in mind these three elements: key benefits, reason to believe and the style. We have to ask ourselves, why should the consumer buy our product and not the competitors? What can we explain to them to get them to buy our product? A frequent error is not to communicate our product's advantages to the consumer, the reasons why they should buy it.

The consumers are a good source of ideas, their feelings on the strong and weak points of the brand provide important ideas to create strategy. Numerous leading companies are continuously carrying out research to determine the level of client satisfaction compared to different brands. They can analyze different levels of satisfaction: rational, sensory, social and of the ego. Consumers can get these satisfactions after having tried the product.

The message and the creative strategy should adapt to the company's marketing plan. Therefore, you need to manage the product, price, distribution and publicity of the product. You can not separate these areas, they need to be considered together. The advertising message demands a certain amount of creativness. Although this creativity should be marked out by your communication strategy.

The advertising message should be direct. The maestro Ogilvy claims "Have just one idea in mind. The big ideas are simple. Give the editor a direct and clear idea, if you want a brilliant idea to get to the consumer".

The advertising message has to adapt to the audience it is directed at. The advert should attract attention, be impacting but at the same time it is important to transmit a message. The message should be understood, and therefore decoded by its receptors.

On the other hand, you have to consider the competitors. It is ideal to focus on areas that have not been used by your competitors. The best thing to do is be the first with something that is difficult for your competitors to copy.

A typical error in the commercial messages is to insist in the obvious. As David Ogilvy states "advertise what is important, not what is obvious. Reseach shows that many adverts waste their efforts talking about the benefits of the product which you can see anyway. The correct strategy consists of talking of the important benefits that aren't that obvious.

It is important that people remember the message. It should be memorable and stick in the consumer's mind. Some of the most efficient television adverts, which have managed to substantiably increase sales, have used different resources so that the adverts stick in people's mind.

For example, the brand Clavo, went from being unknown to one of the leaders in the market of tinned tuna through its adverts in which two actors without a lot of hair keep repeating ""Atún Claro Clavo" - "Clear Clavo tuna". It was positioned as the best tuna for being clear and the message stuck in the consumers mind.