Lesson 17º








Reason to Believe

Once we have chosen the key benefit of our product for our advertising campaign, we have to think of ways to make the consumers believe us. In advertising, we are not only trying to carry our message to the consumers, we also have to convince them.

If we are going to spread a basic benefit we need to have reasons or tests to help the consumers believe us. For example, if our toothpaste whitens teeth or our soap makes hands softer, we should explain the reason why our product can make this claim.

If our product has a difference which has an advantage over our competitors, it is usually not enough simply stating this, you have to give reasons /evidence that support our claim. For example, Dove soap claims as its key benefit that it looks after your skin. To show this they claim that the soap is made up of 25% cream. A magnificent advert created by David Ogilvy shows a photo of the cream that they pour into the soap. In the following example you can see that Dove is a lot more than a simple soap thanks to its composition for a quarter part cream.




A toothpaste which was successful in the USA claimed that it was an excellent toothpaste which protected against cavities and it was supported ty the Dentist Association. As the advert was supported by Dentists its promise to fight cavities was more credible.

Sometimes a visual demonstration can be used. A tv advert can show how a washing powder is more efficient than that of their competitors. Other products base their advantage on a characteristic which is difficult to visualize.

Using a famous person to give a product credibility is another way to make a product credible. However, if we use a famous person in an advert, it is essential to analize if the public would consider this source trustworthy in relation to the type of product. For example, a successful Italian actress can be considered credible in an advert for a certain pasta brand, however she wouldn't be considered very credible advertisign a brand of car oil.