Lesson 2º








Key Players

Various people are needed to create an advert. In the following pages of this course, we are going to analyze the fundamental key players, e.g.:

The advertiser. The person that pays for the publicity.

The publicity agency. The publicity agency elaborates the messages. They look for the best ideas and transform them into adverts for the television, press, radio and other media.

The media carries the information. The television, radio, press all form part of the media.

The target audience. We choose our target audience.

Later we will analyze the objectives, when we define the aims of our publicity and the results that we want.

In the following lessons we will concentrate first of all on the product and service that we are going to advertise and then we will analyze its differenciation, image and positioning. The product analysis will not only be from the manufacturers perspective but also from the eyes of the client, which will help guide us with the advertising creation.

We will study the consumers perceptions and how to select the key benefit. The key benefit represents the promise that we are going to give the consumer.

In later lessons we will analyze the different aspects needed to create an advertising message.