Lesson 26º








Internet Publicity

The Internet is another means of communication. There are specific characteristics of this means of communication:

The Internet allows you to reach a carefully selected public. The Internet is one of the means of communication that allows a company to reach a precise group of people.

It is a quick and interactive means.

You can measure the results of publicity campaigns precisely and continuously.

You can modify and adapt the campaigns according to the results.

There are certain advertising Agencies that specialize in Internet publicity. Some of these agencies have a network of pages which they represent. The services that they usually offer are:

They look for advertisers that want to use the Internet as a means of communication.

They advise companies that want to carry out publicity on the Internet.

They analyze the audiences. .

They create Internet adverts. Like banners that appear at the top of the pages.

They develop Internet marketing plans which include the recomendations about the type of advert and the pages where to put the advert.

They control the statistics which correspond to the different advertising campaigns.

Some of the fundamental concepts related to Internet publicity are:

Unique visitors. The number of computers which have visited a page in a certain moment. Therefore, for example, the number of visitors, that's to say, the number of different people which visited Aulafacil the month I was writing this course was 150.000.

Visits. Every time a computer goes to a website this counts as one visit. For example, if you go to the aulafacil website four times in one month they you will add four visitors to the monthly statistics. Every unique visitor visits this page usually twice a month therefore the total number of visits is 300.000.

Sites visited. This is the total number of pages that the visitors see. For example, if every time one visits Aulafacil they see an average of 10 pages then the number of pages visited will be 300.000 x 10 = 3.000.000.

Click-throughs. Percentage of times that visitors click on a certain banner.

The traditional Publicity Agencies usually have departments or specialists that specialize in Internet Marketing. For example, the agency JWT.

There are different way of paying for Internet publicity:

A fixed amount. To sponsor for example a page and pay a fixed amount for your advert to appear for a certain amount of time.

Paying every time the advert appears. . Usually you pay a certain amount for every one thousand banners. For exampe, a site charges $5 for one thousand Banners put up on the top of a certain website.

Paying for Click-throughs. The advertiser pays a certain amount only when a visiter clicks on their advert.