Lesson 27º








Advertising Budget

The advertising budget is determined by a compay's marketing budget. The advertising budget will be influenced by a series of factors:

Company strategy. The company strategy and the marketing strategy will guide us to create an advertising budget. Some companies maintain a leading cost strategy, they try to position themselves as the cheapest option for the consumers worried about the price. Companies that try to sell things cheaply can change to a low cost publicity strategy. The Zara chain spend very little on publcity as they centre their attention on their shops and shop windows.

The company's objectives and marketing strategy. For example, if the objective is to quickly grow in a competitive market with a known brand, to achieve this objective a high advertising budget may be necessary.

The competitors and their publicity expenses. The advertising effort can vary depending on the competitor's actions. Depending on our market share and our consumer's.

The product that we are selling. Depending on our sector and the characteristics and benefits of our product. Some very competitive sectors require a high advertising budget if you want to develop the brand.

Where are we in the life cycle of out product? Are we talking about a product which has just been launched, is growing, maturing or declining? The type of publicity and the amount spent on publicity is different. For example, launching a product usually requires a great advertising cost to ensure people are aware of it.

Theoretically the ideal advertising expense should be the amount which makes the campaign cost effective. If we could find out the different levels of publicity expenditure and the sales that correspond to them, we could calculate the ideal publicity expense. However, in reality, the calculation for the publicity expense which makes the campaign cost effective is hindered by:

Delayed effects. The consumer can see the car advert today and then buy the car a year later. It is difficult to evaluate sales upon advertising in the long term.

The multiple variables that intervene. It is difficult to differentiate the effect of the publicity from the rest of the variables which influence sales. Once an advertising campaign has been carried out it is complicated to differentiate the effect of the advert from other variables like the behaviour of the sales force, the evolution of the market, the competitor's actions and the performance of the intermediaries.

The difficulties in calculating costs. It is not always easy to determine which sales correspond to each period. If for example, the intermediaries accumulate product during promotional times, and they sell more in other periods of time, it is complicated to analyze the impact of the advertising liked to consumer sales.

Therefore, it is very complicated to know what percentage of sales is due to the advertising campaign or for other factors. To fix an advertising budget we should bear in mind some principles:

Intensity. A minimum expense is usually necessary. If we have discovered the elixir of eternal youth an advert can be suficient, if people believe us, In the majority of cases a certain number of repetitons is needed so that people notice the advert.

Concentration. Advertising usually requires a certain amount of time. You need a minimum number of concentrated adverts in a period of time.

Co-ordination. The advertising budget should be coherent and be co-ordinated with the company's marketing budget. The different parties in the advertising budget should be co-ordinated amongst themselves.