It is
necessary to have some previously fixed objectives. The established
publicity objectives will proceed and will be coherent with the
marketing objectives and with the company's objectives. You can
find these objectives in the company's marketing plan.
publicity acctions are carried out according to the agreed plan.
Different tasks are carried out e.g. creation of adverts and publishing
publicity actions give way to some results which we should measure.
For example, we should measure the number of spectators that saw
an advert. Another typcial way to measure is testing if people remember
your advert after 24 hours, this test consists in calling homes
and asking if people remember the television advert which was shown
the day before.
The differences between the average result and the objective will
show certain divergences. For example, the objective was to increase
the consumer's knowledge of the brand from 30% to 50%. Once the
publicity campaign has been carried out a survey is taken in which
we meausre the knowledge of the brand and the result is only 40%.
In this survey we can see an important negative difference between
the objective initially marked out and what has been obtained.
of the causes. We should explain the difference between the
programmed objective and the result obtained. Especially when there
are significant divergences.
Measures. The important divergences between what was aimed for
and what was achieved can effect the way you make decisions. For
example, it can be necessary to change the type of advert or the
means of communication.
information. The control system is a surveillance system used
by directors to make decisions. Besides, the control systems there
is an information system which helps make decisions. To decide is
to choose between alternatives and making a decision becomes easier
when we have more or better information.