Lesson 5º








Advertising Agencies

Large publicty companies are usually General Service Agencies or complete services. These agencies offer many of the services needed to develop publicity campaigns. It is normal that for special activites like direct marketing, or the purchase of advertising spaces they have specialized companies that belong to the same group. The Spanish Association of Publicity Agencies lists the most important Agencies.

Specialized Publicity Agencies. Some Publicity Agencies specialize in one type of Media. For example, there are Agencies that specialize in the Internet or in billboard advertising and outside publicity. Other companies specialize in one part of the process or advertising work. There are also companies that just work in comercial research, in creativity or the purchase of media areas. An example of this is the online publicity agency Adlink

Exclusive Advertising Agencies are companies that try to get publicity for some determined clients. For example, they are dedicated to a newspaper and they look for advertisers that are going to advertise in their newspaper. Novomedia is the Agency that looks after newspaper and magazine publicity.

Media Centres are companies that buy advertising spaces in bulk and then re-sell them to publicity agencies and big advertisers.

There are advertising wholesalers. For example, they buy an amount of time on the Television for a discounted price, they then re-sell it.

A Media Centre tries to optimize its clients advertising expenses by means of purchase, planning and controlling the Media spots.

Some companies contract a publicity agency and a media centre separately.

For example Optimedia is a Media Centre. The media centre Sudlow explains that "Media Centres started as press distributors, increasing the sales volume to get higher discount levels, thus making the investment more profitable for their clients then in turn benefiting themselves, they act like Brokers and give special attention to buying/sales".