Lesson 6º








Choosing an Agency

Companies can elaborate the adverts themselves or contract a specialized company. It is advisable to contract an Advertising Agency.

It is usually cheaper to contract an Advertising Agency than to have your own advertising department. If someone or a company wants to buy an advertising space, in principal it will cost the same if they buy directly from the newspaper. In some cases, the Advertising Agencies make the advertst for free.

This is possible because traditionally the newspapers and televisions charge the Agencies 15% less than the offical tariff. The 15% discount is the tradition way to charge. Advertising agencies historically started as intermediaries that sold spots in different newspapers. The newspapers sold the spots to the intermediaries for 15% cheaper

The majority of the time it is more effective to get an Agency to do your publicity than for your company to do it.

To select an Advertising Agency you need to bear in mind the following:

Some agencies specialize in advertising certain products or services.

Certain companies are better or specialise in some aspect of advertising management. In this sense some companies are better at research, others in launching products and others in brand creation.

If our company is small then it is better to go to a small agency where you can be an important client than to go to a big agency where you will be their smallest.

Analyze a list of agencies looking at their last advertising jobs and the real results. Doing this will let you choose the best advertising agency for your product.

Sometimes it is possible to ask for projects from various agencies and contract the most promising one. .

Therefore, I advise you to dedicate time when choosing the best Advertising Agency for your company. Looking at the exact needs of your company, the product and the market, and then choosing an Agency that offers the biggest guarantee of success.

Once you have choosen an Advertising Agency for your company you will need to interchange information and keep them under constant supervision. The understanding and coordination between the advertising company and its Agency is a fundamental aspect if you want success.

You have to choose some responsable executives to maintain contact with the Agencies. You should clearly divide the responsibilites up from the beginning.

You should establish the proceedures on how to interchange information and how to co-ordinate.

Using an Advertising Agency doesn't mean that the company stops having to deal with the advertising process. On the contrary, the success, depends on the company's wide colaboration and supervision. It is therefore very important that the marking executives are good advertising specialists.