Lesson 15º








Free Time

Free time appears when an individual is capable of differentiating what is near and what is far and what he wants from others.

If an individual requires free time, it is because he doesn’t allow boredom and the typical feeling of “nothing to do”.

Work and free time constitute a right and a need.

Everybody should count on work and free time to satisfy their personal and family needs, with the aim to perfect oneself and obtain freedom.

Unfortunately, it is not very common to have free time everyday - time when you can enjoy yourself.

Sometimes it is possible to experience our own desires without feeling the pressure of other people’s desires.

We have been dragged through life having been taught to think like “others” and this isn’t necessarily bad, the problem is that before we haven’t thought about ourselves, questioning who we are, what we have and what we need.

Free time is a continuous source of information and experiences, which is pure potentiality, ready to be exploited in an innumerate range of possibilities; possibilities that appear to each individual.