Lesson 17º








Self-esteem for parents

As parents we are the role models. Our children will think of us, when they make their first decisions on how they want to be and how they are going to act in life.

We are also our children’s first sources of information on what they are worth and how important they are. We tell them what is good and what is bad and we tell them what they can and can not be or do. Our children will learn how to act and react from how we are and how we act from childhood and even before they were born.

As parents, we can start to ask ourselves: “Do we want our children to be happier, more successful, healthier and have more satisfactory relationships than the ones we have?” Yes, of course we do and we want the best for our children. Therefore, you should try and look inside yourself for the sources of this healthy, positive, effective and motivating parenting that we want to transmit to our children.

You should learn to express your feelings and emotions, instead of trapping your feelings of frustration and resentment. You shouldn’t have to reject or control your emotional states whatever they may be. You should be able to accept them and give them space so that they are integrated and modified in a natural process.

The road to self-growth is simple, but it is not easy; it is a job without limits. It is a task for the whole life, but the results are worth the effort that you dedicate. It is possible that for every two steps forward we go one step back, even if we don’t want to. We have to realise that we should try not to overwhelm ourselves as this won’t help us. It is a lot more effective if you appreciate your advances, despite possible emotional relapses or negative actions and reaction and in the unexpected contexts.

To be able to bring up your child with some determined positive attitudes towards themselves, others and towards life in general, the parents have to motivate them to recognize and activate these attitudes in themselves.

The first thing we have to do is ask ourselves: “Can I help my child develop his education and personality so that I can be an important factor in his life? What can I Do? Can I help him?”

We should have a declaration of trust in ourselves and in our children and generate commitment which involves action.

We have to modify our own behaviour and the relationships we have with our family and others. As Waldo Emerson claims, our behaviour makes so much noise that it doesn’t allow us to listen to the words that accompany it.

Development of parents self-esteem through personal jobs

- Break rules

Give yourself permission to break traditional rules with yourselves and others; we all have the possibility to improve our way of living and our relationships with others. Direct your life towards more satisfactory changes and targets.

- We are changing

I am not today what I was yesterday, and I’m not at 5 in the afternoon what I was at 4, the experiences in between have modified me. You need to bear in mind the effects of daily changes, our attitudes, relationships, behaviour and coexistence. Get to know yourself. Assume your own responsibilities; convince yourself that you can be effective and competent managers of your life. If you are open to change you automatically create the opportunity for your children to act themselves and be responsible of their own lives.

- Survival mechanisms

Protection and defence destined to avoid or reduce the difficulties caused by our environment. However, we should look after and learn to manage our basic non satisfactory survival mechanisms like rebelliousness, feeling the victim, adulation, forced effects to please others, complaining, being quiet, crying, not crying, acting like a man – not letting your emotions show and showing signs of weakness, fear, resentment or shouting to intimidate others.

- Love yourself

The majority of people love themselves and appreciate themselves, but if people ask you for concrete reasons as to why you appreciate or love yourself, most people find it difficult to answer. We have been taught to combat pride and arrogance and therefore we don’t praise ourselves. The goal is to neutralize and deactivate the conditions that people demand from us. Find modesty, recognise and develop our own identity and the divine essence that we imagine.

- Accept yourself

Accept yourself how you are, with honesty and without the sense of blame, embarrassment, the feeling of being insufficient, false pride, arrogance or frustration. Accept yourself, it is necessary to know yourself, look at the past and the present and try to invent a more satisfactory future. We often do things and we have emotions that, we consciously consider without sense. We react with anxiety or discomfort, we are unhappy with ourselves and with the way we act and think. Our “interior child” reacts and rebels against the adult perspective that wants to grow and develop. If we want to appreciate our worth and importance, we have to try to appreciate what already exists. However, when it is our turn to act we find ourselves blocked by our own previous survival mechanism. That is why there are people that are very effective at work but are completely negative with family relationships, where their attitudes are completely different.

- Creative thinking

Positive thinking, recognising opportunities to create contexts to escape from our limitations and conditions. If I think I can’t do it, my creative thought which looks for solutions, creation of voluntary formulas will not only not activate, but it will not show either. In its place there will be a creative feeling with a negative character, which is what convinces me that I can not and continues in the same unsatisfactory space in which I found myself. We are not used to considering ourselves as the cause of our life, a factor that stops us using all the energy when carrying out what we want to achieve. We begin to think why and how. We consider pros and cons, we are plagued with doubts and we end up not trying and not achieving anything.

- Interpreting the present based on the past

This highlights the importance of living the here and now, and not remaining in the past or being anxious of the future. We are influenced but not conditioned by the past. We submerge ourselves in the memories of the past or in the dreams of the future, we enjoy and wear out the happiness of the moment. We can try and reinterpret the past by building roots for the future. Make a reinterpretation of the past from our actual situation. In stead of ignoring it by blocking out any unpleasant moments helps us to deactivate from our current perspective the possible negative events of the past. Reconstructing our past helps to motivate us create a present or future how we like, instead of trailing behind a reality that doesn’t satisfy or motivate us.

- Assuming our own personality

Being responsible of our own lives, of our own actions, interpretations, reactions and attitudes. Our first responsibility is to clarify what our values are, which ones we can use and which are obstacles. Make a balance, from there start closing previous processes. This is one of the basic actions in our self-growth. Don’t let bygones be bygones but get clarity of your bank accounts, debts and bills. Re-evaluate things: I am a self-realizing human being and I realise that everything is worth more when I place it in a positive context.