Lesson 28º








Feeling motivated and full of purpose

This feeling pushes people to act in a determined way and to propose specific, effective, concrete and reachable objectives.

A person with self-esteem knows what he wants to achieve and he finds out how to do it in the short, medium and long term. His energy is directed at specific tasks and he feels satisfied when he achieves what he originally proposed.

Having lack of direction and purpose subtracts motivation from making a real effort to carry out objectives, as the person isn’t necessary convinced.

Parents can motivate their children to act in a specific way by showing them confidence. The expectations that a father has for each of his children varies. Sometimes these expectations respond only to desires and to preconceptions.

Often, these expectations are the reflections of paternal frustration from their childhood. The parents transfer to their children, the desires that they had as children. Expecting too much can overwhelm the child and harm his self-esteem if he doesn’t manage to fulfil his parent’s requirements.

This type of situation can leave the child frustrated and with a high sense of negative insufficiency. Sometimes the parent’s expectations on one of their children can cause jealously amongst the brothers and sisters and harm their self-esteem.

It is good for parents to want their children to be successful, but the children have to motivate themselves, they need to use their own initiative, creativity, effort, interest and personal success and not act just because their parents ask them of expect it of them.

A child will always put a lot of effort into his objectives when he knows that his parents have faith in him and his capacity to reach his objectives.

Characteristics of a child with little motivation and no purpose

1. He doesn’t show any initiative. He does what is expected of him without taking any risks.

2. He often seems bored as he doesn’t look for alternatives or solutions.

3. He doesn’t have any objectives therefore he doesn’t have any results.

4. He often asks himself: why should I bother if I am not interested?

5. He feels useless and incapable; he looks for attention by screaming and moaning – this makes him feel comfortable.

6. He rarely carries out, in a satisfactory way, his school work or homework, etc.

7. He feels like he isn’t capable of doing things, therefore, he doesn’t think it is worth trying.

8. He finds it difficult to make his own decisions. If there isn’t enough motivation, it’s not work making a decision.

9. He doesn’t worry about the quality of the work that he does.

10. He doesn’t assume his responsibilities and he usually blames his mistakes on others or on the circumstances.

11. He is reactive instead of being proactive. His way of thinking means he doesn’t take the initiative and therefore doesn’t come across any difficulties.