Lesson 35º








Positive attitudes and Self-care

Phrases that promote positive attitudes:

Very good, I knew you could. I’m sure you are capable.

I don’t doubt your good intention.

John thinks highly of you.

If you need something, ask me.

I know you didn’t mean to do it.

I’m very proud of you.

You know I love you lots.

I know you are good.

I congratulate you on what you have done.

When you need me, I’ll help you.

I’ve noticed that you’re getting better every day.

I believe in what you have said.

You know I want the best for you.

You deserve the best.

You can achieve whatever you want.

Your next results will be better.


a) How to implement (Garma 1999)

Self-care has some principals which should be taken into consideration:

It is an act of life which allows people to convert into subjects of their own actions. Therefore, it is a voluntary process of the person acting for themselves.

It should be a philosophy of life and an individual responsibility intimately linked to daily life and the experiences people have lived. At the same time, it should be founded in a formal and informal support system as are the social and health systems.

It is a social practice that implies a certain amount of knowledge and elaboration. It gives way to interchangeable and individual relationships.

b) Promoting self-help

So that people look after themselves on a daily basis, they need to include the following strategies:

Develop self-esteem and generate levels of strength or empowerment, as strategies that are at the advantage of internalization of powerlessness. They should favour the sense of personal control and develop skills of personal motivation to change the personal and social conditions in favour of health. On the other hand, upon powering the self-esteem you are powered to self-stating, self-valuating, self-recognition and self-expression all aspects which favour integral development.

Involve the dialogue of knowledge, which allows you to identify, interpret and understand the logic and the dynamics of the world in people’s life whilst they are discovering and understanding its rationality, sense and meaning. Being able to articulate it with scientific logic and give off a clarified vision of the illness and of the health which translates to healthy behaviour.

Explore and understand the ruptures that exit between knowledge, attitudes and practice and configure action plans that make harmony viable between cognition and behaviour.

The health agents should look after themselves as a daily process. If they live healthily, self care will be promoted.

Contextualize self-care; that is to say, choose a direction which agrees with the characteristics of the person’s gender, ethnic and human cycle. It is important to understand that everybody has a life story with values, beliefs, learning’s and different motivations.

Generate participating processes; the promotion of self-care should include a more active and informed participation of the people in the care of their own health. They need to understand that participation is a process within which the community assumes for itself the care of themselves and of the atmosphere that surrounds them, direction the sensibilization to increase the level of control and commitment on the health of the people that offer the health services and those that receive it.

Self-care means learning to participate in society, in its dynamic, using their characteristics and specific conditions in a determined moment and to take positions in front of social demands. The knowledge learned through the socialization support the daily thought, the construction of alternatives, the motivations, the actions and every day decisions.

The health agent should look for time to think and discuss what the people know, live and feel in the different life and health situations with which he can identify how to practice favourable, unfavourable and innocuous self-help, through an educative process of reflection-action, a return to practice to transform it.