Lesson 36º








Ways to improve a family’s self-esteem

a) Availability

Dedicate time (which is what we don’t always have) to attend to your children, wife or husband. With teenagers, for example, you can’t say, “we’ll talk about this calmly on Saturday”, as Saturday will be too late. By Saturday, your 13 year old daughter will already have got drunk with a friend and will be awaiting the consequences of her actions – all because her father was unavailable to talk to her. You need to be available, because there are problems which can only be sorted out in a determined moment when someone wants to put their point across and be listened to. Remember that when our parents die, they leave us with memories of the times that they spent with us.

b) Communication between parents-children. Parents should speak less and listen more.

In many families, when the mother or father say, “son, we have to talk”, the child thinks, “oh no, what have I done?” Why? Because the child knows that when his mother or father says “we have to talk” they really mean “we are going to have an argument about something that you have done and I don’t approve of”. This would change if the parents aimed to: dedicate 75% of the time to listening and only 25% to speaking. Listening to your children (or spouse or anyone) is an active effort. You have to miss the news, lower the TV volume, turn your head to look at the person speaking, look them in the eyes, and show that you are listening. This is active listening, which is what helps to improve your family’s self-esteem.

c) Consistency from the parents and self demand in your children

You are coherent when what you think, feel, say and do is one and the same thing. It doesn’t make sense to order the children to “help mum to clear up the table” when you are sitting on the sofa. You need to first give the example. You have to clear the table for 5 days, so that your children see you. The fifth day you tell your children: “let’s do it together”. Two days later: “I’m proud of you, now you have learned you can clear the table on your own”. They will then feel proud of clearing the table. This way, they learn to demand from themselves, which is a lot better than watching over them 24 hours a day. We also ask the children to study but, do they see us studying, reading magazines about our trade, finding out about our speciality? We need to be able to say: “look children, we also study?”

d) Have initiative, worries and be in a good mood, especially with your spouse

These three factors are useful for the family’s self-esteem. In Spain, people are generally in a good mood. However, routine is an enemy in a relationship between husband and wife and with their children. The key is to ensure creativity and initiative in a couple’s life and this will, in turn, spread to the whole family. The best hours should be the time you spend with your husband or wife. Becoming a father or mother should not make us forget that we are “you and I, us”. Creativity and initiative protect the couple from routine. When there’s routine, it is easy for one of the members in the relationship to look for “magic” outside of the relationship, in other relationships. On the contrary, if the couple is happy, the children learn “sentimental education” simply seeing how mum and dad treat each other, seeing how they admire each other, flatter each other and praise each other. They are accomplices. A typical thought of an enthusiastic child is, “when I’m older I will treat my wife like dad treat mum”. This gives them self-esteem.

e) Accept our limitations

You need to know and accept your limitations, those of your partner, and those of your children. It is very important not to criticize your partner in front of the family, not criticize your son in front of his brothers or sisters, comparing them to the “good” and the “bad”. This makes the child suffer and takes away some of his self-esteem. It is best to talk to each child on his own.

f) Recognize and re-confirm a person’s values

Be sincere: it doesn’t make sense to call our child a “champion” if he has never won anything. If he has lost a football match, don’t call him a champion. He has to lean how to tolerate frustration which goes with loosing. We also need to know, adults and children that we are good at certain things and bad at others. “Son you are good at A and B but I don’t think C is your forte”. Doing this, we reconfirm what he is good at and he will see himself as he is a valuable person.

g) Stimulate your personal autonomy

A person becomes a good person by doing good things. It is important that children understand this. Therefore, it is important to: do good things as they make us good. This concept helps us to have personal autonomy, do things for ourselves to improve ourselves.

h) Design a personal project

You won’t go very far if you don’t know where you want to go. Staying still is not an option, as one tends to go backwards. You need to have a personal project in order to grow, and attend and help to distinguish and promote your projects.

i) Have a high level of aspiration, but be realistic.

We need to play with what is possible and what is desirable. If we aspire something people will value us, we will have self-esteem, but is it practicable? We should consider a high level of aspiration with the reality of our capacities and resources.

j) Choose good friends

Individualism is the cancer of the XXI century. We and our kids are tied to machines: the DVD, TV, video console, Internet….As we work alone so our true friendships decrease. Friends compromise a great deal and an individualist doesn’t like compromise!

However, we need human friends, good friends more than ever. People we can spend lots of hours with, people we can have sincere and close conversations with, true friends that support us. We need friends that really know us, that accept our errors and promote our positive features. Selecting friends is a good investment.

A family that tries to follow these principles contributes to improving their children’s self-esteem and their own self-esteem. There are 3 main ideas to consider:

According to Chesterton, we need to understand that self-esteem, love, being loved is supernatural. Have you thought about how God loves you? Think about it. You are very special for him. When you experience this love, tell your children about it.

A good portion of useless suffering is produced because sometimes when we should be trying to think, we start feeling; and on occasions instead of feeling, we start to think. We can avoid this useless suffering: there are moments to think and moments to feel.

If you fight, you can loose, but if you don’t fight you have already lost. If you fight for your family life, you aren’t lost.