Lesson 7º








Elements of inflated self-esteem

As a child he:

Was treated with suffocating love.

Did not have any behavioural rules applied to him.

Was taught that his opinion was far superior than others.

Was taught that he would achieve everything that was proposed.

Was taught that he could get anything he wanted and that he could use others to do this.

Was taught that he was the best looking.

Was taught that he was the most intelligent person.

Was taught how to be extremely self-sufficient.

Was taught that the best looking people are those that achieve the best things and that those that have a good body get a better partner.

In extreme circumstances, you can see a child develop a vain narcissist personality. In the example of a female, she wants to be thin because she believes the perfect women is thin, sometimes she will suffer anorexia, feeling that she is fat and thus stops eating or sometimes she may even bulimia – she eats and then vomits. All carried out in order to stay slim. On the other hand, men become obsessed with their physical appearance.