Lesson 14º








Speech Day

On the day of the speech the speaker should try and be on top form.

The night before you should sleep the necessary hours. You need to feel fresh when you get to the event, with your mind clear and with 100% capacity.

It should be a relaxed day.

You need to avoid activities that can tire you or that can make you neervous.

You need to make sure you have a clear diary the week running up to the event: not too many meetings, commitees, presentations, work lunches, etc. As if you do these things you will be practically "exhausted" on the day of the event.

As mentioned in the previous lesson don't rehearse on the day of the event.

In the hours that lead up to the speech try to be relaxed, you can have a quick look at your speech or support notes.

It is a good idea to eat a few hours before the speech, so that you have enough time to carry out digestion.

The food that you eat should be light, not too heavy.

You shouldn't drink too much coffee (it increases nervousness) or alcohol (it confuses), don't take tranquilizers either (as they make you sleepy). All of these substances can cause unexpected reactions once you are on stage.

Also you should try and avoid, if possible, travelling away from the city, as you could get caught in traffic jams, car might break down.....these situations could cause a heart attack!

If the event is at a place which is quite far away, it is always better to travel there the day before with the objective of waking up in the actual place where the event is. Therefore you will be able to relax until the moment of the speech.

If you are travelling on the same day, unexpected things problems come up, which are difficult to solve (the aeroplane is delayed, you miss your train, your car doesn't start, etc).

If you don't have the option of travelling the day before then make sure you travel with enough time (don't think about hurrying there) and if you can, avoid driving (as this can tire you out).

Try to get to the place where you are going to speak with plenty of time, avoiding last minute rushes (you can't find a taxi, there is a traffic jam in the street, etc).

You can use the extra time to check that everything is in order (stand, projector, microphone, lights, etc).

Finally, it can sometimes be a good idea to carry out some physical activity a few hours before the event (go for a run, play tennis, etc) as doing this will burn energy and calm your nerves.