Lesson 20º










The current market situation in every sector is set by the competition and the influence of profits. If companies compete with prices, they generate less profits and the sector can find itself in a bad situation. New companies will not want to join. In sectors where companies don't compete with price, they compete with publicity, innovation, product quality / service, .... To determine the intensity of the competition you have to consider the influence of the following factors:

- Concentration

This refers to the number of companies that compete in a sector and their size. There is a relationship between the number of companies and the price of their products. In computing companies (like Microsoft with computer operating systems), the company has the freedom to fix their prices. In the case of oligopolies (market freed by a small group of companies) the competition in prices is limited to agreements of "price parallels" between companies. In markets in which two companies clearly dominate (Coca Cola y Pepsi), the competition is not with prices, as they are similar, but with their publicity campaigns and promotions.

- Diversity of competitors

A few decades ago, companies that competed within a market had similar characteristics with regards to organiztion structure, costs, etc. This caused less rivalry. With globalization and the opening of boarders, the conditions companies compete in have grown greatly. Nowadays, companies tend to outsource a lot of work. Those that don't outsource have origins, structures, costs and different objectives, but exist within the same market.

- Differentiation of the product

There is the tendancy for some consumers to substitute one product for another if the products are on offer more frequently. This obliges companies to reduce their prices with the aim of increasing their sales.

However, we must talk about the product or service commodity, which is differentiated from the rest because of its price. In this case, the competition only has to worry about price, which is usually lower, because they offer less benefits to the consumers. Examples of these types of products are salt, bricks and cement, mining products,...

- Too much capacity and exit barriers

It is essential to consider a company's capacity, with the objective of using all of the efficient resources available. If a company is not able to achieve this they should reduce the price of their products to achieve a greater sales volume. Together with this, we should refer to the exit barriers, which are the costs that a company has to face when leaving a sector. The exit barriers could be the investment in lasting and specialized investments or the contractual protection of the employees in case of dismissal.

- Conditions of the costs: scale economies and relationships between fixed and variable costs

This is related to what we have already spoken about - a company's production capacity. An excess of capacity obliges a company to lower its prices. However, how far can we lower the prices depends on the cost structure of the company. As a general rule, the company should cover their variable costs. This way the in relationship between fixed and variable costs the fixed costs will predominate. The company will try to undertake any business to cover the variable costs.