Lesson 25º










The key factors for a company's strategy success are those that allow the company to survive and prosper in a competitive market. To achieve this objective, the company should fulfill two conditions:

• provide the consumers with what they need and what they want to acquire.

• survive against the competition.

In order to give the consumers what they want, the Management of a company should know who their clients are and consider them the base of their survival. Once a company knows who their clients are, they should study their needs and their behaviour, e.g. why they decide to choose one offer from another. From this moment, the company will be able to outline its strategy and achieve the competitive advantage which will make them achieve the objective of survival.

In a competitive market like the one we live in, the company should invent itself in order to tolerate the pressure that effects the competitors. Therefore, a company needs to know who its competitors are, the rules of play, e.g. if the competition is intense or not, if they are competing with prices or differentiation of products/services,...

Factores clave de éxito (Key factors of success); Requisitos previos (Previous requirements); ¿Qué desean los clientes? (What do clients wish?); ¿Cómo sobrevivir a la competencia? (How to survive the competition?); Análisis de la demanda (Analysis of the demand); ¿Quienes son nuestros clientes? (Those who are our clients?); ¿Cómo eligen entre distintas ofertas? (How do they choose among different offers?); Análisis de la competencia (Analysis of the competition); Factores que la dirigen (Factors that direct her); Tamaño de competidores (Competitors' size); Intensidad (Intensity); ¿Cómo mejorar la posición? (How to improve the position?)