Lesson 31º










When you carry out an internal analysis of a company, you will be able to distinguish the company's unique resources and capacities and see its competitive advantage. The resources are the company's assets. To achieve the competitive advantage, the assets need to work together to create organized capacities (organized routine). This way the resources transform into capacities, creating flows in the company. These capacities or organized routines are the day to day running of the company; the tasks, the way the company works. They are used to make the company work more efficiently, with the least amount of money, time or effort as possible.

The organized capacities or routines create capacities for the company and from these the company's competitve advantage is born. In this competitive sense, strategy is based on the company's ability to survive and from here the company can create objectives. These are then linked to the key factors from a determined sector, which unite strategy with the sectorial field.


Recursos, capacidades y ventaja competitiva (Resources, capacities and competitive advantage); Estrategia (Strategy); Factores clave de éxito (Key factors of success); Capacidades organizativas (Organizational capacities); Recursos (Resources); Tangibles (Tangible); Físicos (Physical); Financieros (Financial); Intangibles (Intangible); Reputación (Reputation); Tecnología (Technology); Cultura (Culture); Humanos (Human); Conocimientos (Knowledge); Comunicación (Communication); Motivación (Motivation)