Lesson 32º










The Value Chain is used as a criteria to identify the abilities of a company from the disintegration of its activities. It views each step of the process from the moment a product is invented to the time it reaches the hands of the consumer, it includes all of the services (distribution, post-sales service...).

To explain the Value Chain, we need to look at Porter's analysis. Porter was the person that proposed the Value Chain concept (see the graph below). Porter distinguishes between primary activities and support activities. The primary activities that Porter refers to are those related with the transformation of the inputs and the relationship with the client. The support activities are more related to the company's structure and its ability to develop the whole production process.


La cadena de valor de Porter (The chain of Porter's value); Actividades de apoyo (Activities of support); Actividades de infraestructura (Activities of infrastructure); Gestión de los recursos humanos (Management of the human resources); Desarrollo tecnológico (Technological development); Servicios generales (General services); Margen (Margin); Logística interna (Internal logistics); Producción (Production); Logística extrena (External logistics); Marketing y ventas (Marketing and sales); Servicio post venta (Service post sale); Actividades primarias (Primary activities)