Lesson 34º









They are the new capacities that a company should have due to the environment they find themselves in - unstable, competitive and dynamic. They demand organizations to be flexible and capable of responding to any changes that are found in their environment.

To create dynamic capacities you need:

- latent capacities.- they are the resources that are available in the organiztion that can be used to regenerate old capacities, building new capacities by making the older rigid current capacities even better. They come from accumulated experience and consider the company as a knowledge warehouse. They imply forgeting what you have learned and being able to learn new routines.

- peripheral capacities.- they don't belong to the current basic capacities, but they exist elsewhere in the organization. They are seperated from the basic capacities. They act as a knowledge reserve and as resources that serve to renovate the basic capacities. You can transfer capacities from outside the organiztion to the nucleus of the organiztion.

The company should be flexible, giving this flexibility from within, that's to say from the resources and capacities that the company has at a certain moment in time. With this requirement the company will be able to cope with the changes in the environment, instead of being taken over by the changes and allowing them to condition the survival of the company. A flexible and dynamic company has greater opportunities than other companies to find a competitive advantage.


Capacidades dinámicas (Dynamic capacities); Capacidades latentes (Latent capacities); Recursos y capacidades complementarias (Resources and complementary capacities); Proveedores, clientes, empresas (Suppliers, clients, companies); Capacidades periféricas (Peripheral capacities)