Lesson 19ª








For some time now, we have known these elements as instruments of environmental (room) air infusions.

One of their greatest advantages is the fact that we can do them ourselves easily. We can create different potpourris simply by spraying any essential oil we choose over dry flowers of our choice.

However, there are two known methods to elaborate them: the Dry Method and the Wet Method.

Before choosing one of the methods to make your potpourri, we must have the ingredients (materials) we need to compose it:
Leaves from scented plants.
Scented wood.
And, ornamental fruit.

To ensure the perfume will last on the flowers, we must use the following fixatives.
Fixatives help increase the amount of time the natural scent of flowers remains.
We can use different fixatives such as:

  • Kosher salt --- used for the Wet Method.
  • Gladiolus (sword lily) root.


  • Myrrh.
  • Incense.
  • Benzoin.


  • Sandalwood.
  • Roman or English camomile.
  • Clary sage.