Lesson 27 ª








Every woman suffers from discomforts proper of our genre. They start when we develop into a woman. To relieve such discomforts, there is nothing better that looking into natural remedies.Some herbs render mild effects and they are not dangerous to our well-being. Aromatherapy also covers those treatments related to female discomforts.
These oils can be used over our skin, inhaled or we can use them in submersion baths just by adding a few drops into our bathtub.


To relieve these uncomfortable problems, we could ingest:
Vitex capsules or extract during 4 months.
Or until the symptoms or discomfort has been reduced.
*** Ask your doctor for the proper dose.Generally, menstrual pain appears during our teenage years. Nevertheless, alterations in menstrual period affect women for several years.Among the most common changes, we have:

Amenorrhoea: Absence of menstruation.

Metrorrhagia: Abundant or irregular menstruation.

Dysmenorrhea:  Painful menstruation.The following formulas presented in the chart must be applied by massaging the lower area of the abdomen for 10 days before menstruation period.