Lesson 9ª








Among the versatile characteristics of essences, we have those performed at home. As we can see, these essences are not only limited for the use on people.

For an effective use at home, we recommend it to be totally clean. Such cleaning includes the family pet. Before and during the use of these essences at home, the pet should be given a laxative.

Oils, which spread their scents throughout rooms when burnt, are also widely known.

Among other administration methods for oils, we have:

  • Inhalation.
  • Vapour.
  • Scented Baths.
  • Therapeutic Massages.
  • Compress Application.


Essences are absorbed through your lungs by its alveolus. Then, they are diffused to surrounding capillary vessels and then reach circulation in general.

It is known as one of the most direct and fastest methods. They help fight respiratory diseases.

We can look into inhalations when we want to relieve nausea and headaches as well as for relaxation.

A great advantage in inhalation is the fact that we can carry them out anywhere and whenever we like.