Lesson 22 ª








Festoon Stitch and its variants.

This Stitch is one of the most commonly used in Embroidery. We can make this Embroidery in waves or arrow heads and in straight lines. It is also helpful when we decorate the border of a specific piece of clothing. If we want to raise the Embroidery, we first make a filling covering the lines which outline the Embroidery, these being straight or in waves, with small backstitch or bastille stitches, filling the inside part that separates them. The stitches at the ends need to be closer together than those in the middle.

We begin executing the stitch starting from the left end, following the line of the trace. Pulling the needle through the upper line, we pull the strand moving the needle above it. We make a second stitch in the same way trying to stitch the column we have made next to the other, with no space between them. We continue stitching from top to bottom and from left to right until we finish the embroidery. Don't forget that the strand of the thread goes beneath the needle to form the Festoon.





