Lesson 33ª








Shaded Stitch

This type of Embroidery is very fine and delicate. It is not particularly difficult but you need to know the type of fabric to be embroidered and the picture we will reproduce on it.

To achieve a beautiful effect, we need to be accurate both on the border as well as with the filling. We need to use only fine and transparent fabrics for the Embroidery to look as its name indicates: a shadow through the fabric. This is the beauty of this type of Stitch.

The types of fabric we can use are: cambric, organdy, very fine silk or any transparent fabric. The colours of fabric we will use are white and pastel tones. We also need to take into consideration the proper width and colour of the thread.

The perfect combination between the colour of the fabric, the threads we will use and their width will constitute the charm of this work.

To perform this Stitch, we need to use a frame, trying not to tighten the fabric to much as to damage it, nor pulling the thread too hard when we execute the Embroidery. This Stitch is embroidered on the back of the fabric. The backstitch will appear on the front of the fabric, which is the way this type of stitch looks like.


This is the front side of the fabric.


Instructions for the Stitch: Once we have the shape or picture on the fabric, we begin at the narrowest part of the theme. This Stitch is basically executed with a very dense (or thick) Scapular Stitch, without leaving any space between one stitch and another since the border of the picture will be modeled by the Stitches, which are formed by pushing and pulling the needle to make the Scapular Stitch .

The shadow effect of the Embroidery changes depending on how thick we embroider without leaving any space between one stitch and another. The shadow effect will be dark and tight. However, if our stitches have more space between one another, the effect itself will be lighter and more transparent.








(This is the back of the Embroidery)


(This the front side of the Embroidery)