Lesson 14ª








Advantages and disadvantages of daylight, tungsten and flash





- Great intensity: sunlight is the most intense and potent light we have available.

- Free energy

- Highly variable: this is an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time. Sunlight varies throughout the day as well as throughout the year. This enables us to achieve a great variety of illumination styles.

- Optimal spectrum composition: sunlight has every wavelength: red, green and blue



- Depends on the season

- Depends on the time of the day

- Depends on the weather: sunny, cloudy, rain

- It is subject to colour temperature changes.






- Direct connection to electrical network
- Low cost: tungsten equipment is cheaper than flashes or HMI.

- Independent from the time and day of the year

- Work to register movement




- High energy consumption: the electricity bill can get quite high

- Colour temperature is not constant: they have a specific colour temperature when they are brand new and it changes as they are used.

- Generate a lot of heat.

- Even when they are potent, they have a low intensity which requires a long period of exposition or a wide open diaphragm.

- Requires the use of correction filters or tungsten film (in the case of using films). Digital cameras can use the White Balance function.





- Constant light.

- Constant colour temperature: 5500K

- Low energy consumption

- Generate little heat

- They are highly potent, thus, shorter periods of exposure can be used.

- They can be independent from the electrical network.

- We can use daylight film without having to use filters.

- Very potent

- Different accessories can be used to diffuse light.



- They are expensive

- Generally, we need to connect them to the network.