Lesson 2ª










Cats have a highly sensitive taste. Together with this, we must point out their highly developed sense of smell. It will reject any food with the slightest indication of a smell they don't like.

cat eating

Cats are carnivores and, due to them having a closer relationship with their wild states than dogs, they hold on to this characteristic longer.

Their diet should be based in proteins of animal origin, fish or meat. Otherwise, they will lack the essential amino acids they need to avoid any metabolic complications.

Remember that cats are great hunters. If our cat has a garden available, it will most likely eat its captured prey. You need to be careful about this; it may carry unwanted gastric problems.

The percentage of proteins in their food is balanced by its age. This percentage will be greater when it is growing and it will decrease as it becomes older. It will increase once again during pregnancy and the lactation period. We also need to be careful and not turn our cat into an obese cat; this will only bring serious problems. Their diet should also have fat, which will make it more appetizing for cats. Nevertheless, we shouldn't overdo this and turn them into obese cats. Problems of obesity are more dangerous for cats than to other animals.

Finally, its diet should have carbohydrates, rice or cooked paste for example. This won't be too desirable for our cat, but it will prove to be an agent in favour of their health.

There is one thing we NEED to know:


cat eating