Lesson 2ª










As you can see, Cartesian Coordinates are represented by two perpendicular lines which divide a plane into four parts, zones, or quadrants. The point where they meet, cut or intersect is called origin. Points are represented in these quadrants and the origin is found at point zero (the point where the axes cut).

Points (or coordinates) refer to: first, the X value or X axis; then, we add a comma; finally, we write the Y value or Y axis.

Quadrants are numbered counter-clock wise.

In the FIRST QUADRANT the X is positive and the Y is positive.

In the SECOND QUANDRANT the X is negative and the Y is positive.

In the THIRD QUANDRANT the X is negative and the Y is negative.

In the FOURTH QUANDRANT the X is positive and the Y is negative.

Here you have the names of the four quadrants and four points; one on each quadrant:


8.1 Draw the first quadrant and locate point (3,8). Answer:


As you can see, we have only used the first quadrant. We just need to represent the requested point.

8.2 Draw the third quadrant and locate point (-5,-8)



8.3 Draw the second quadrant and locate point (-2,6)



8.4 Draw the fourth quadrant and locate point (10,-6)



8.5 Locate point (0,-6)

Answer: Since zero, for both X and Y, is located where both axes cut, we will get a value of zero for X and -6 for Y:


8.6 Locate point (7,0)

Answer: In this case, we see that the value of X is 7 and the value of Y is zero. This last value is found where the X-axis cuts the Y-axis:


8.7 Locate point (0,7)



In this case, the value of X is zero.

8.8 Where do we locate point P(0,0)?

Answer: Since both values are equal to zero, it will be located exactly where both perpendicular lines meet:
