Lesson 10ª







3. 4  Some recommendations.... 

  • Drink abundant liquid.
  • Take your time as you eat. Don't eat while you're watching T.V. or reading.
  • Chew each bite several times,at least 15 times.
  • Avoid long periods of fasting. Follow the 4 conventional meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Snack and Dinner/Supper) and allow some time between them.
  • You must always eat a portion of vegetables (raw, cooked, in a soup, sauteed, or dressed with oil, vinegar and spices) with your Lunch and Dinner/Supper.
  • Do not improvise. Organize your food to avoid eating food which doesn't favour you.
  • Take only the necessary amount of food to your table, the indicated quantities.
  • Lower your fat consumption. Choose food with a low-fat content. Suppress any procedure which enhances fats, for example frying. Be aware of the quantity of hydrogenated fat in every meal you have.
  • Suppress those empty calories in your diet. Don't consume food from the sugar group (sweets, candy, drinks with a high content of sugar).
  • Don't drink alcoholic beverages.