Lesson 21 ª







Topic 4. Alternative diets

During the process of loosing weight, we sometimes need to change some things, especially if it's a long process (depending on the level of over-weight).

The organism can learn to recognize and adapt and it tends to keep the same, average weight. As a result, it causes a stoppage in our weight loss. We call this stage "plateau". When this happens, we should make some changes to our feeding plan to "lie" to our organism and continue loosing weight.

4. 1 Dairy products and fruit alternative.

This plan is based on the consumption of dairy products, vegetables and fruit until midday; then you follow a regular plan the rest of the day.


coffee with skimmed milk and sweetener
1 fresh fruit or with syrup (sugar-free)
1 piece of ricotta with 1 teaspoon of sunflower seeds
Another option: 1 light yogurt and 4 spoons of fruit salad with sweetener


1 fresh fruit or

  • 1 skimmed sugar-free yogurt or
  • 1 glass of light chocolate milkshake


Gazpacho or vegetable shake
1 portion of vegetables, boiled or oven-baked, or with 1 egg or egg whites as a spanish tortilla omelet
1 portion of uncooked vegetables,  in a salad
light jelly
Infusion: tisane with sweetener.


light cappuccino or regular coffee with sweetener
2 rice cookies or 6 small rice biscuits
 1 spoon of skimmed spread cheese and sugar-free jam



Vegetable stock
1 portion of skinless chicken (2 times a week) or

  • 1 fillet of oven-baked fish , boiled or broiled with vegetable oil (at least 3 times a week)
  • ½ tuna fish can in water and salt
  • 1 slice of veal cutlets (2 to 4 times a week)

uncooked vegetables in salads or sauteed vegetables with vegetable oil.
1 fresh fruit
Infusion: tisane with sweetener