Lesson 25 ª







4. 6 Counting-calories diet

Counting-calories diets have been used for many years. You just need to know how many calories a specific type of food has and reach a daily maximum. For some time, these proposals were left on the side of the road. However, they have been reborn as another option for loosing weight.

We have the option of making our own individual plan by calculating the calories, choosing from options of prepared meals with a specific calorie value. To make this plan, we need to know that for an overweight of up to 12 kg, we can consume a daily amount of 1200 calories; for an overweight from 12 to 20 kg, 1200 to 1500 calories; and for weights higher than the abovementioned, 1500 to 1800 calories (in men, it can be up to 2000 calories)

Here, you have some options for 75, 150, 200 and 300 calories

These must be combined during the day, in 6 or more meals. They need to be 2 of 75 calories with no starch, and it mustn't include more than 3 options with complex carbohydrates or starch throughout the day.

It must include 3 dairy products per day. Two of them must be skimmed milk or skimmed yogurt.

We can substitute:
meat for another meat, as long as we consume fish 3 times a week.

vegetables for other vegetables
starch for another starch: for example, potato for peas, or maize (corn).
1 slice of cold meat for 1 slice of cheese.

To have a better control of the size of the servings (helpings), we need to weight or measure the food, bearing in mind that:

  • 1 bowl of vegetables, uncooked and/or cooked, 200 grams
  • 1 cup or glass of skimmed milk, 200 grams
  • 1 small glass of light yogurt, from 180 to 200 CC
  • 1 portion of red meat, 150 grams
  • 1 medium-sized fruit, 150 grams

Begin each main course with 1 cup of Vegetable stock.
As a dressing for salads or vegetables, use lemon juice, vinegar, balsamic vinegar, natural skimmed yogurt , mustard, ketchup, soy sauce and 1 teaspoon of olive oil, sunflower seed oil or soy oil.

75 calories

For Breakfast or snacks (each option has 75 calories)

  • 1 rice cookie with 1 slice of tomato with oregano and ½ slice of mozzarella au gratin.
  • 2 water cookies (no fat) with ½ slice of mozzarella au gratin.
  • Water cookies (no fat) with 1 spoon of light cottage cheese
  • 2 Marie biscuit with 2 teaspoons of light jam

In between meals or snacks:

  • 1 yogurt (low-calorie) or ½ yogurt
  • ½ light yogurt with 1 ½ spoon of cereal
  • 2 slices of cheese (machine cut)
  • jelly (low-calorie) with 1 spoon of cottage cheese
  • 1 glass of cold skimmed milk
  • 1 small box light chocolate milkshake
  • 1 cappuccino with 1 glass of skimmed milk and coffee with cinnamon
  • 1 light cappuccino
  • ½ light yogurt with ½ fruit (chopped) or with 100 grams of fruit
  • 1 fresh fruit (of the season); if it is banana, 1 small one per day.
  • 1 fruit with low-calorie syrup
  • 1 small bowl of fruit salad, preferably sugar-free.
  • 1 portion of milk dessert: custard or ice cream
  • 1 shake of ½ fruit, ½ cup of skimmed milk and sweetener
  • Shake with 1 fruit, sweetener and water
  • 1 small box of sugar-free fruit juice
  • 1 slice of ham (with no fat) with 1 slice of melon (honeydew melon)
  • 1 slice of ham (with no fat) with 1 slice of fresh pineapple or with syrup
  • 1 slice of ham (with no fat) with 1 slice of cheese (machine cut)
  • 1 tomato cut in half or in slices with oregano and 1 slice of mozzarella au gratin
  • 1 cooked carrot with 1 slice of ham (with no fat)
  • 1 light frankfurter with ½ slice of mozzarella au gratin
  • 1 short common frankfurter with mustard
  • 6 olives
  • 15 raisins
  • 15 peanuts
  • 6 almonds o chestnuts
  • 2 walnuts
  • 2 sea sticks con ketchup

150 calories

For breakfast and snacks (each option has 150 calories)

  • 1 light yogurt or ½ regular yogurt with 1 fresh fruit
  • 1 glass of skimmed milk or 1 light yogurt or ½ regular yogurt with 3 spoons of cereal
  • 1 rice cookie, wheat or 2 water cookies or biscuits (no fat), with 1 slice of ham, 1 of cheese (oven-baked) and ½ slice of tomato.
  • 1 portion of lean cheese (60 grams) or 3 slices of mozzarella cheese
  • 2 slices of canadian steak with 1 spoon of light cottage cheese

For Lunch and Dinner/Supper

  • cooked vegetables salads: marrow (squash), chard, carrot, onion, French beans, with 1 teaspoon of light mayonnaise
  • 1 cup of French beans with tomato sauce and 1 slice of ham (no fat)
  • 1 sweet red pepper, stuffed with 3 spoons of rice, whole-grain or white, onion (with tomato sauce), with 1 cup of lettuce salad
  • 1 tomato, stuffed with 2 spoons of mixed vegetables (can) and 1 teaspoon of light mayonnaise with lettuce salad, arugula and ½ tomato
  • 1 tomato, stuffed with ½ can of tuna fish, 1 teaspoon of light mayonnaise and 1 cup of lettuce salad cut into julienne strips
  • a casserole with 3 spoons of cooked rice, onion, sweet red peppers, ½ cup of chard and 1 tomato.
  • chard Florentine, 2 spoons of cooked rice, 1 spoon of peas, ½ cup of chard and 1 cheese strip for au gratin
  • Waldorf salad: ¼ cup of chicken (cooked), celery, ½ green apple in cubes, 1 spoon of light cottage cheese and 1 teaspoon of ketchup.
  • 1 portion of marrow (squash) or pumpkin with 1 spoon of light cottage cheese and 2 spoons of tomato sauce
  • 3 spoons of maize (corn) with 1 hard-boiled egg
  • 3 spoons of rice, with chard and 2 spoons of peas.
  • 2 palm hearts with slices of pastrami.
  • 1 portion of pumpkin with 1 hard-boiled egg or poached
  • 1 portion of marrow (squash) with 1 slice of mozzarella au gratin.
  • 1 plate of chard au gratin with 2 slices of mozzarella cheese
  • ½ can of mixed vegetables (potato, carrot and peas) with 2 slices (thin) of smoked steak.
  • 1 scrambled egg with chard or courgette (zucchini) and vegetable oil.
  • 2 slices of steak with vegetable chop suey.
  • ½ cup of chicken (cooked and chopped), grated carrot, chopped lettuce and tomato, everything mixed together.
  • Kebab of 1 frankfurter, ¼ onion, ¼ sweet red pepper, ¼ apple and 6 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 regular frankfurter with 1 cup of mixed salad (lettuce and tomato), 1 teaspoon of light mayonnaise and 1 teaspoon of ketchup
  • ½ can of tuna fish in water, tomato, lettuce and grated carrot, all mixed together.
  • 1 slice of ham (no fat) with broccoli salad and ½ hard-boiled egg, chopped.
  • 1 regular frankfurter or 2 light ones with 4 spoons of mashed apple.
  • 1 cup of fruit salad with 1 light yogurt
  • 2 slices of melon (honeydew melon) with 2 slices de ham (no fat).
  • 1 portion of light custard with 1 spoon of light caramel spread.

200 calories

For breakfast and snacks

  • 1 light yogurt , 1 slice of black bread with 1 slice of tomato with oregano and 1 slice of cheese (machine cut)
  • 1 light yogurt and 1 ½ fresh fruit
  • 1 light yogurt shake with fruit and 1 banana
  • light drink, 1 sandwich with ham, cheese and lettuce, with whole-grain or white bread and not fat-butter
  • 1 piece of lean cheese (60 grams) and 1 glass of Orange Juice.
  • coffee or tea with skimmed milk or espresso with a dash of milk, 1 slice of black bread with 1 slice of ham or fillet steak.
  • espresso with a dash of milk, 1 pita bread with 1 slice of mozzarella cheese and 1 slice of ham.
  • 1 glass of skimmed milk and 2 apples (oven-baked) stuffed with 1 spoon of light jam

For Lunch and Dinner/Supper

  • light juice and 2 slices of rolled ham with 2 slices of lean cheese .
  • 1 slice of bread, whole-grain or white, with ½ hard-boiled egg and 1 ½ tomato and oregano, with 1 slice of bresaola.
  • 1 small potato (grilled) with 1 spoon of regular cottage cheese or 1 slice of mozzarella and salad with French beans and mushrooms,
  • 1 medium potato in wedges placed in a tray, covered with ½ cup of skimmed milk, oregano, chopped celery, pepper and 1 spoon of grated cheese.
  • 1 tomato stuffed with ½ can of natural tuna fish and 1 spoon of light mayonnaise and 1 small fruit
  • 1 portion of pumpkin au gratin with 2 slices of mozzarella cheese and light regular yogurt
  • 1 egg scrambled with asparagus or courgette (zucchini), onion and sweet red peppers, and 1 slice of Leone.
  • cooked vegetables salad with 1 beetroot, ½ cucumber, 2 spoons of peas and ½ apple in cubes, 1 teaspoon of light mayonnaise and 1 egg poached (boiled).
  • 1 omelet with 1 egg and 2 egg whites and 1 slice of cold meat (no fat), with lettuce salad and jelly.
  • An omelet with 1 egg and 1 egg white and mushrooms or spinach, with 1 tomato in halves with oregano and fresh fruit.
  • 1 fillet of fish, broiled with lemon and arugula salad, with tomato and onion.
  • 1 cup of skinless chicken (cooked), with 1 tomato with oregano or 1 courgette (zucchini) (cooked) and 1 egg white from a hard-boiled egg
  • 2 slices of oven-baked meat with a salad with onion, tomato and ½ hard-boiled egg.
  • Chop suey with 1/8 skinless chicken con courgette (zucchini), carrot, onion, sweet red peppers and 2 spoons of sprouts.
  • ½ breaded meat (oven-baked), au gratin with 1 slice of mozzarella cheese and salad with cauliflower and carrot.
  • 1 light hamburger with ½ potato in cubes and 1 grated carrot (raw).
  • 1 fillet of fish, boiled with 1 carrot, 1 spoon of peas and ½ apple in cubes.
  • Chicken Brochette; 1/8 chicken, onion, sweet red peppers, tomato and ½ apple in cubes.
  • 1 can of tuna fish with tomato, lettuce, sweet red peppers, egg white (chopped), palm hearts and spoon of light mayonnaise.

300 calories

For Lunch and Dinner/Supper

  • 3 spoons of rice, whole-grain or white, 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 slice of ham (no fat), salad with tomato and 1 fresh fruit.
  • 1 medium potato with 1 spoon of cottage cheese, salad with beetroot and carrot in cubes with 1 spoon of light mayonnaise , and 1 light dessert with 1 teaspoon of light caramel spread.
  • 1 cup of legumes, with tomato sauce, carrot, sweet red peppers, onion and 100 grams of meat (chopped).
  • 1 portion of pascualina tart with salad of sweet red peppers, pumpkin au gratin with tomato sauce and 2 slices of mozzarella.
  • lettuce salad, tomato and palm hearts, with 1 teaspoon of light mayonnaise, 1 small plate of gnocchi or noodles with tomato sauce, and 1 milk dessert light.
  • 25 raviolis with portuguese sauce and 1 custard with 1 teaspoon of light caramel spread.
  • 2 fish fillets, rolled with parsley and 1 teaspoon of light cottage cheese, arugula salad and 1 fresh fruit.
  • 1 hamburger with cheese and salad (of the season)
  • 50 grams of olives, 2 palm hearts with 1 teaspoon of light golf sauce, 1 slice of ham (no fat) and 1 slice of cheese.
  • 1 jug of beer and 1 frankfurter with bread and pickles
  • 1 glass of red wine with 1 portion of regular pizza.