Lesson 33ª








 * Cervera P., Clapés J. and Rigolfas R. Alimentación y Dietoterapia (Feeding and Diet therapy), Anexo B. Ed: McGraw-Hill Interamericana. Madrid, 1993
* Instituto Crandon. Manual de cocina (Cooking Manual) “Instituto Crandon”. 4º Edition.Montevideo Uruguay. 1994
* Vispo, Aurora, Picasso, Adriana. Razón de Peso. Alimentarse Saludablemente (Weight Matters. Eating Healthy). Editorial Fin de Siglo. Uruguay 2008.
* Maha, Kathleen, Arlin, Marian. KRAUSE Food,Nutrition and Diet therapy.Eight edition. Mc Graw Hill. 1995

NOTE: Most of these books (except for the last one) are written in spanish only.