Lesson 5ª







Practical Philosophy

  • ETHICS: Similar to Descartes or Spinoza (also sophists); since the existence of things can't be proven, there is no good nor evil. Thus, the problem with morality becomes a simple matter of fact. They both intervene as a possible 'kindness' or 'wickedness' in an act of PERSONAL WORTH and the USEFULNESS for society (thus, we justify the 'need' for justice, humanitarianism, benevolence, friendship, etc.).
  • RELIGION: We can't prove the existence of God, nor the fact that one religion is better than another. There is only one possibility: DEISM: the belief on a Higher Being, regardless of any specific cult.
  • ARTISTIC TASTE: Beauty only exists in the spirit contemplating it, and every spirit perceives beauty differently.
  • POLITICS: Hume's politic ideas are pragmatic; as his philosophy is. They originate directly from his ethics. According to Hume, there are 2 aspects that originate from society which should guide every human act, both collectively and individually:
  • Instinct duty (the love for your children, etc.)
      • Social duty (justice, the respect of foreign property, etc.)